Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. express               
1. ut.ter \'*t-*r\ aj [ME, remote, fr. OE u-tera outer, compar. adj. fr. 
   u-t out, a]dv. - more at OUT : ABSOLUTE, TOTAL  - ut.ter.ly av
2. utter \'*t-*-r*-b*l\ \'*t-*r-*r\ vt [ME uttren, fr. utter outside, adv., 
   fr. OE u-tor, compar.] of u-t out obs  1: to offer for sale  2a: to send 
   forth as a sound  2b: to give utterance to : PRONOUNCE, SPEAK  2c: to give 
   public expression to : express in words  3: to put (as currency) into 
   circulation  4: to put forth or out : DISCHARGE  - ut.ter.able aj