Webster's English Dictionary

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1. self \'self, South also 'sef\ pn [ME (intensive pron.), fr. OE; akin to 
   OHG selb, intensive pron., L su]i (reflexive pron.) of oneself - more at 
   SUICIDE : MYSELF, HIMSELF, HERSELF {check payable to ~)> {accommodations 
   for ~ and wife}
2. self aj obs  1: belonging to oneself : OWN  obs  2: IDENTICAL, SAME  3a: 
   having a single character or quality throughout; specif : havi ng one color 
   only {a ~ flower} 3b: of the same kind (as in color, material, or pattern) 
   as something with  which it is used {a ~ belt} {~ trimming}
3. self \'selvz, South also 'sevz\ n or selves pl  1a: the entire person of 
   an individual  1b: the realization or embodiment of an abstraction  2a: an 
   individual's typical or temporary character or behavior {his true  ~ was 
   revealed} {his better ~} 2b: a person in his normal or best condition 
   {looked like his old ~ } 3: the union of elements (as body, emotions, 
   thoughts, sensations) that con stitute the individuality and identity of a 
   person 4: personal interest or advantage 
4. self vt 1: INBREED  2: to pollinate with pollen from the same flower or 
   plant  : to undergo self-pollination