Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. vain                  
1. emp.ty \'em(p)-te-\ av [ME, fr. OE -mettig unoccupied, fr. 
   -metta]leisure, fr. -- without + -metta (fr. mo-tan to have to) 
   1a: containing nothing  1b: UNOCCUPIED  1c: UNINHABITED  1d: UNFREQUENTED  
   1e: not pregnant {~ heifer}  1f: NULL  2a: lacking reality, substance, or 
   value : HOLLOW {an ~ pl easure} 2b: destitute of effect or force  2c: 
   devoid of sense : FOOLISH  3: HUNGRY  4a: IDLE {~ hours}  4b: having no 
   purpose or result : USELESS  5: marked by the absence of human life, 
   activity, or comfort plies a complete lack or absence of usual content; 
   VACANT implies absence of any occupant or tenant or inmate; BLANK stresses 
   the lack of any significant, intelligible, or relieving features on a 
   surface, esp. freedom from writing or marking; VOID implies the absence of 
   anything whatever, utter emptiness; VACUOUS suggests the emptiness of a 
   vacuum and esp. the lack of intelligence or significance SYN syn VACANT, 
2. empty vt 1a: to make empty : remove the contents of  1b: DEPRIVE, DIVEST 
    1c: to discharge (itself) of contents  2: to remove from what holds or 
   encloses  3: to transfer by emptying  1: to become empty  2: to discharge 
   its contents 
3. empty n : something that is empty : as  : an empty container  : an 
   unoccupied vehicle