Webster's English Dictionary

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de.clen.sion \di-'klen-ch*n\ \-'klench-n*l, -'klen-ch*n-*l\ n [prob. alter. 
   of earlier declenson, modif. of MF declinaison, fr. L]L declination-, 
   declinatio, fr. L, grammatical inflection, turning aside, fr. declinatus, 
   pp. of declinare to inflect, turn aside 1a: noun, adjective, or pronoun 
   inflection esp. in some prescribed order of  the forms 1b: a class of nouns 
   or adjectives having the same type of inflectional for ms 2: a falling off 
   or away : DETERIORATION  3: DESCENT, SLOPE  - de.clen.sion.al aj