Webster's English Dictionary

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1. off \'o.f\ av [ME of, fr. OE - more at OF] 1a: from a place or position 
   {march ~}; specif : away fr om land {ship stood ~ to sea} 1b: so as to 
   prevent close approach {drove the dogs ~}  1c: from a course : ASIDE 
   {turned ~ into a bypath} : ;  specif : away from the wind 1d: into an 
   unconscious state {dozed ~}  2a: so as not to be supported {rolled to the 
   edge of the table and ~)R} or covering or enclosing {blew the lid ~} or 
   attached {the handle came ~} 2b: so as to be divided {surface marked ~ into 
   squares}  3: to a state of discontinuance {shut ~ an engine} or exhaustion  
   {drink ~ a glass} or completion {coat of paint to finish it ~} 4: in 
   absence from or suspension of regular work or service {take time (R@ for 
   lunch} 5: at a distance in space or time {stood ten paces ~}  6: OFFSTAGE 
2. off \(')o.f\ pp 1: - used as a function word to indicate a supporting 
   surface or a posit ion of rest, attachment, or union from which separation 
   is made {take it ~ the table} 2a: FROM {borrowed a dollar ~ him}  2b: at 
   the expense of {lived ~ his sister}  2c: so as to consume {dined ~ oysters} 
    3: to seaward 0f {two miles ~ shore}  4a1: - used as a function word to 
   indicate a usual occupation in which o ne is not now engaged {~ duty} 4a2: 
   abstaining from {~ liquor}  4b: below the usual standard or level of {~ his 
   game a dollar ~  the list price} 5a: a diverging or opening from {~ the 
   main walk}  5b: being or occuring away or apart from {a shop just ~ the 
   main s treet}
3. off \(')o.f\ aj 1a: more removed or distant {the ~ side of the building} 
    1b: SEAWARD  1c: RIGHT  1d: of or relating to the side of the cricket 
   field opposite to that on wh ich the batsman stands 2a: started on the way 
   {~ on a spree}  2b: CANCELED  2c: not operating  2d: not placed so as to 
   permit operation  3a: not corresponding to fact : INCORRECT {~ in his 
   reckon ing} 3b: POOR, SUBNORMAL  3c: not entirely sane : ECCENTRIC  3d: 
   REMOTE, SLIGHT {an ~ chance}  4a: spent off duty {reading on his ~ days}  
   4b: SLACK {~ season}  5a: OFF-COLOR  5b: INFERIOR {~ grade of oil}; also : 
   TAINTEDM 5c: DOWN {stocks were ~}  6: CIRCUMSTANCED {well ~} 
4. off \'o.f\ vi : to go away : DEPART - used chiefly as an imperative