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Cross references:
  1. curve                 
1. turn or turn a hand \'t*rn\ vb [ME turnen; partly fr. OE tyrnan & 
   turnian to turn, fr. ML  [fr. turn the tables to reverse the relative 
   positions as in a board game]Xtornare, fr. L, to turn on a lathe, fr. 
   tornus lathe, fr. Gk tornos; partly fr. OF torner, tourner to turn, fr. ML 
   tornare; akin to L terere to rub - more at THROW 1a: to cause to move 
   around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve  {~ a wheel ~ a crank} 
   1b1: to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking,  
   opening, or shutting) {~ a key} 1b2: to affect or alter the functioning of 
   (as a mechanical device) by suc h movement {~ed the lamp down} 1c: to 
   execute or perform by rotating or revolving {~ handsprings)> 1d: to twist 
   out of line or shape : WRENCH {~ing his  ankle painfully} 2a1: to cause to 
   change position by moving through an arc of a circle {(R@ed his chair to 
   the fire} 2a2: to cause to move around a center so as to show another side 
   of {@ a page of a book} 2a3: to cause (as a scale) to move so as to 
   register weight  2a4: to cause to move or stir in any way {~ a finger to 
   help}  2b: to revolve mentally : think over : PONDER  3a: to reverse the 
   sides or surfaces of : INVERT {~ pancak es}: 3a1: to dig or plow so as to 
   bring the lower soil to the surface  3a2: to make (as a garment) over by 
   reversing the material and resewing (~ a collar} 3a3: to invert feet up and 
   face down (as a character, rule, or slug) in se tting type 3b: to reverse 
   or upset the order or disposition of {everything ~(Xed topsy-turvy} 3c: to 
   disturb or upset the mental balance of : DERANGE, UNSETT LE {a mind ~ed by 
   grief} {success had not ~ed his head} 3d: to cause (the stomach) to revolt  
   3e: to set in another esp. contrary direction  4a: to bend or change the 
   course of : DIVERT  4b: to cause to retreat {used fire hoses to ~ the mob}  
   4c: to alter the drift, tendency, or expected result of  4d: to bend a 
   course around or about : ROUND {~ed th e corner at full speed} 4e: to pass 
   or go beyond (as an amount, age, or time) {clock had just R@ed ten} 5a1: to 
   direct or point (as the face) in a specified way or direction  5a2: to 
   present by a change in direction or position {~ing h is back to his guests} 
   5b: to bring to bear (as by aiming, pointing, or focusing) : TRAIN  {~ed 
   his light into the dark doorway} 5c: to direct (as the attention or mind) 
   toward or away from something  5d: to induce or influence (a person) to 
   change his way of life  5e: to direct the employment of : APPLY, DEVOTE  
   5f1: to cause to rebound or recoil {~s their argument agains  them} 5f2: to 
   make antagonistic : PREJUDICE {~ a child against h is mother} 5g1: to cause 
   to go in a particular direction {~ed its steps  homeward} 5g2: DRIVE, SEND 
   {~ cows to pasture} {officers wer e ~ed adrift by the mutineers} {~ing 
   hunters off his land} 5g3: to convey or direct into or out of a receptacle 
   by inverting  6a1: to make acid or sour : CURDLE, FERMENT  6a2: to change 
   the color of (as foliage)  6b1: CONVERT, TRANSFORM {~ defeat into victory}  
   6b2: TRANSLATE, PARAPHRASE  6c: to cause to become of a specified nature or 
   appearance {~ed  him into a fiend} {illness ~ed his hair white} 6d: to 
   exchange for something else {~ coins into paper money}  7a: to shape esp. 
   in a rounded form by applying a cutting tool while revol ving in a lathe 
   7b: to give a rounded form to by any means {~ the heel of a sock> 7c: to 
   shape or mold artistically, gracefully, or neatly {well ~Xed ankles} {a 
   knack for ~ing a phrase} 8: to make a fold, bend, or curve in :  8a: to 
   form by bending {~ a lead pipe}  8b: to cause (the edge of a blade) to bend 
   back or over : BLUNT, (MDULL 9a: to keep (as money or goods) moving; specif 
   : to dispose of (a  stock) to make room for another 9b: to gain by passing 
   in trade {~ing a quick profit}  1a: to move around on an axis or through an 
   arc of a circle : ROTATE)M 1b: to become giddy or dizzy : REEL {heights 
   always made his hea d ~} 1c1: HINGE  1c2: to have a center (as of interest) 
   in something specified  2a: to direct one's course  2b1: to reverse a 
   course or direction  2b2: to have a reactive usu. adverse effect : RECOIL  
   2c: to take a different course or direction {~ed toward home } {main road 
   ~s sharp right} 3a: to change position so as to face another way  3b: to 
   face toward or away from someone or something  3c: to change one's attitude 
   or reverse one's course of action to one of o pposition or hostility {felt 
   the world had ~ed against him} {~ed upon them with ferocity} 3d: to make a 
   sudden violent assault esp. without evident cause {dogs R@ing on their 
   owners} 4a: to direct one's attention or thoughts to or away from someone 
   or somet hing 4b1: to change one's religion  4b2: to go over to another 
   side or party : DEFECT  4c: to betake oneself (as for information, help, or 
   support) : have reco urse : REFER, RESORT 4d: to direct one's efforts or 
   interests : devote or apply oneself {R@ed to the study of the law} 5a: to 
   become changed, altered, or transformed : as  archaic  5a1: to become 
   different  5a2: to change color {the leaves have ~ed}  5a3: to become sour, 
   rancid, or tainted {the milk had ~ed}  5a4: to be variable or inconstant  
   5a5: to become mentally unbalanced : become deranged  5b1: to pass from one 
   state to another : CHANGE {water had ~)Red to ice} 5b2: GROW {hair had ~ed 
   gray} {weather ~e d bad} 5b3: to become someone or something specified by 
   change from another state  : change into {~ traitor doctors ~ed authors} 6: 
   to become curved or bent (as from pressure); esp : to become bl unted by 
   bending {edge of the knife had ~ed} 7: to operate a lathe  of merchandise  
   8: to be stocked and disposed of : change hands  : to give a sign of 
   discomposure or disturbance - used in negative cons tructions {never turned 
   a hair} 1: to become of a different color  2a: BLUSH, FLUSH  2b: to grow 
   pale  1a: to set free  1b: to free from all restraints  2: to fire off : 
   DISCHARGE  3: to open fire  : to go over to the opposite party  1: to 
   engage in manual work  2: to set to work : apply oneself  : to disgust 
   completely : NAUSEATE, SICKEN  : to run away  1: to register weight {hand 
   baggage turned the scale at 60 pounds)> 2: to decide or determine something 
   doubtful : prove decisive  : to bring about a reversal of the relative 
   conditions or fortunes of two  contending persons or parties : to bring 
   about the desired result or effect  : CAPSIZE, OVERTURN  - turn a hair 
2. turn n [ME; partly fr. OF tourn, tour lathe, circuit, turn (partly f]r. 
   L tornus lathe; partly fr. OF torner, tourner to turn); partly fr. ME 
   turnen to turn 1a: the action or an act of turning about a center or axis : 
   REVOLUTIO N, ROTATION 1b1: any of various rotating or pivoting movements in 
   dancing  1b2: a swing by a gymnast of less than a circle around a bar  2a: 
   the action or an act of giving or taking a different direction : chan ge of 
   course or posture {illegal left ~} : : as 2a1: a drill maneuver in which 
   troops in mass formation change direction wi thout preserving alignment 
   2a2: any of various shifts of direction in skiing  2a3: an interruption of 
   a curve in figure skating  2b: DEFLECTION, DEVIATION  2c: the action or an 
   act of turning so as to face in the opposite direction  : reversal of 
   posture or course {an about ~} {~ of the tide} 2d: a change effected by 
   turning over to another side {~ of the car ds} 2e: a place at which 
   something turns, turns off, or turns back : BEND)M, CURVE 3a: an act of 
   walking briefly around or out and back {a short ~ thr ough the garden} 3b: 
   a short trip out and back or round about  archaic  4: STRATAGEM, TRICK  5: 
   an act or deed affecting another esp. when incidental or unexpected {o ne 
   good ~ deserves another} 6a: a period of action or activity : GO, SPELL; 
   specif  : a bout of wrestling 6b: a place, time, or opportunity accorded an 
   individual or unit of a serie s in simple succession or in a scheduled 
   order {waiting his ~ in a doctor's office} 6c: a period or tour of duty : 
   SHIFT  6d: a short act as for a variety show  6e1: an event in any gambling 
   game after which bets are settled  6e2: the order of the last three cards 
   in faro - used in the phrase ca ll the turn 7: something that revolves 
   around a center : as  7a1: LATHE  7a2: a catch or latch for a cupboard or 
   cabinet door operated by turning a  handle 7b: a musical ornament 
   consisting of a group of four or more notes that win d about the principal 
   note by including the notes next above and next below 8: a special purpose 
   or requirement - used chiefly in the phrase serve  one's turn 9a: an act of 
   changing : ALTERATION, MODIFICATION {a nasty  ~ in the weather} 9b: a 
   change in tendency, trend, or drift {hoped for a ~ in his luc k} {a ~ for 
   the better} 9c: the time when something changes its direction or its course 
   {~  of the year} 10a: distinctive quality or character  10b1: a skillful 
   fashioning of language or arrangement of words  10b2: a particular form of 
   expression or peculiarity of phrasing  10c: the shape or mold in which 
   something is fashioned : CAST  11a: the state or manner of being coiled or 
   twisted  11b: a single round (as of rope passed about an object or of wire 
   wound on  a core) 12: natural or special ability or aptitude : BENT, 
   INCLINATIONM {a ~ for logic} {an optimistic ~ of mind} 13: a special twist, 
   construction, or interpretation {gave the old yarn a  new ~} 14a: a 
   disordering spell or attack (as of illness, faintness, or dizziness)  14b: 
   a nervous start or shock  15a: a complete transaction involving a purchase 
   and sale of securities; Xalso : a profit from such a transaction 15b: 
   TURNOVER  16: something turned or to be turned : as  16a: a character or 
   slug inverted in setting type  16b: a piece of type placed bottom up  : on 
   every occasion : CONSTANTLY, CONTINUALLY  : one after another in regular 
   succession : ALTERNATELY, SUCCES SIVELY : in due order of succession : 
   SUCCESSIVELY, ALTERNATELY  : at the point of turning {tide is on the turn}  
   1: not in due order of succession {play out of turn}  2: at a wrong time or 
   place : IMPRUDENTLY, UNWISELY {talkin g out of turn} : to perfection : 
   precisely right : PERFECTLY  - at every turn