Webster's English Dictionary

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1. same \'sa-m\ aj [ME, fr. ON samr; akin to OHG sama same, L simulis like, 
   s]imul together, at the same time, sem- one, Gk homos same, hama together, 
   hen-, heis one 1a: resembling in every relevant respect  1b: conforming in 
   every respect - used with as  2a: being one without addition, change or 
   discontinuance : IDENTICAL)M 2b: being the one under discussion or already 
   referred to  3: corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable : 
   COMPARABLEM {the ~ day last year}NT, EQUAL mean not different or not 
   differing from one another. SAME may imply and SELFSAME always implies that 
   the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things, or 
   SAME may imply numerical difference without difference in kind, appearance, 
   or other essential aspect; VERY implies no difference in number and may 
   additionally stress agreement with a desire or intent; IDENTICAL may imply 
   selfsameness or suggest absolute agreement in all details; EQUIVALENT 
   implies amounting to the same thing in worth or significance; EQUAL implies 
   being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality SYN syn 
2. same pn 1: something identical with or similar to another  2: something 
   previously defined or described 
3. same av : in the same manner