Webster's English Dictionary

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1. class \'klas\ \-l*s\ n [F classe, fr. L classis group called to arms, 
   class of citizens] often attrib  1a: a group sharing the same economic or 
   social status  1b: social rank; esp : high social rank  1c: high quality : 
   ELEGANCE  2a: a course of instruction  2b: a body of students meeting 
   regularly to study the same subject  2c: the period during which such a 
   body meets  2d: a body of students or alumni whose year of graduation is 
   the same  3a: a group, set, or kind sharing common attributes; esp : a 
   major  category in biological taxonomy ranking above the order and below 
   the phylum or division 3b: a division or rating based on grade or quality  
   - class.less aj
2. class vt : CLASSIFY