de.mon or dae.mon also \'de--m*n\ \di-'mo--ne--*n\ \-'ma:n-ik\
\-'ma:n-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ \.de--m*-n*-'za--sh*n\ \'de--m*\ n [ME
demon, fr. LL & L; LL daemon evil spirit, fr. L, divinity, spir] often
attrib it, fr. Gk daimo-n usu daemon 1: an attendant power or spirit :
GENIUS 2a: an evil spirit 2b: an evil or undesirable emotion, trait, or
state usu daemon 3: a supernatural being of Greek mythology intermediate
between gods and me n 4: one that has unusual drive or effectiveness - aj