Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. number                
1. one \'w*n, .w*n\ aj [ME on, fr. OE a-n; akin to OHG ein one, L unus 
   (OL]oinos), Skt eka 1: being a single unit or thing {~ man is going}  2a: 
   being one in particular {early ~ morning}  2b: being preeminently what is 
   indicated {~ fine person}  3a: being the same in kind or quality {both of ~ 
   race}  3b1: constituting a unified entity of two or more components {the 
   combin ed elements form ~ substance} 3b2: UNITED  4: existing or occurring 
   as something not definitely fixed or placed {wi ll see you again ~ day} 5: 
   being the only individual of an indicated or implied kind {the ~R person 
   she wanted to marry}
2. one pn 1: a certain indefinitely indicated person or thing {saw ~ of his 
    classmates} 2: any individual of a vaguely indicated group {~ wouldn't 
   like to  see that happen} - sometimes used as a 3d-person substitute for a 
   pronoun of the first person {~ supposes you will come}
3. one \'w*n\ n 1: the number denoting unity  2: the first in a set or 
   series {wears a ~}  3: a single person or thing {by ~s and twos}  4: a 
   one-dollar bill