Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bad                   
1. evil \'e--v*l\ \-v*(l)-le-\ aj or evil.er or evil.ler;  or evil.est;  or 
   evil.lest [ME, fr. OE yfel; akin to OHG ubil evil] 1a: not good morally : 
   WICKED  1b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct  
   archaic  2a: INFERIOR  2b: causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE  2c: 
   DISAGREEABLE  3a: causing harm : PERNICIOUS  3b: marked by misfortune : 
   UNLUCKY  archaic  - evil av
2. evil \.e--v*l-'du:-*r\ \-'du:-in\ n 1: something that brings sorrow, 
   distress, or calamity  2a: the fact of suffering and misfortune  2b: a 
   cosmic evil force  - evil.do.er n