1. pow.er \'pau.(-*)r\ n [ME, fr. OF poeir, fr. poeir to be able, fr.
(assumed) L pote] often attrib -re to be powerful - more at POTENT 1a:
possession of control, authority, or influence over others 1b: one having
such power; specif : a sovereign state archaic 1c: a force of armed men
chiefly dial 1d: a large number or quantity 2a1: ability to act or
produce an effect 2a2: capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an
effect 2b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right 3a: physical
might 3b: mental or moral efficacy 3c: political control or influence 4:
an angel of the fourth lowest rank 5a: the number of times as indicated by
an exponent a number is to be multi plied by itself 5b: CARDINAL NUMBER
6a: a source or means of supplying energy; esp : ELECTRICITY 6b: MOTIVE
POWER 6c: the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or
transferred 7: MAGNIFICATION 8: SCOPE, COMPREHENSIVENESS mean the ability
to exert effort. POWER may imply latent or exerted, physical, mental, or
spiritual ability to act or be acted upon; FORCE implies the actual and
efficacious exercise of power; ENERGY applies to power expended or capable
of being transformed into work; STRENGTH applies to the quality or property
of a person or thing that enables him to exert force or withstand strain,
pressure, or attack; MIGHT implies great or overwhelming power or
strengthCOMMAND, SWAY, DOMINION mean the right to govern or rule or
determine. POWER implies possession of ability to wield coercive force,
permissive authority, or substantial influence; AUTHORITY implies the
granting of power for a specific purpose within specified limits;
JURISDICTION applies to official power exercised within prescribed limits;
CONTROL stresses the power to direct and restrain; COMMAND implies the
power to make arbitrary decisions ant compel obedience; SWAY suggests the
extent or scope of exercised power or influence; DOMINION stresses
sovereign power or supreme authority SYN syn POWER, FORCE, ENERGY,
2. power vt : to supply with power esp. motive power