Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. foresee               
1. di.vine \d*-'vi-n\ aj [ME divin, fr. MF, fr. L divinus, fr. divus god - 
   more at (MDEITY 1a: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from deity {the 
   ~ righ t of kings} 1b: being deity  1c: directed to deity  2a: supremely 
   good : SUPERB  2b: GODLIKE, HEAVENLY  - di.vine.ly av
2. divine n [ME, fr. ML divinus, fr. L, soothsayer, fr. divinus, adj.] 1: 
3. divine vb [ME divinen, fr. MF & L; MF diviner, fr. L divinare, fr. 
   d]ivinus, n. : to discover intuitively : INFER  1: to practice divination : 
   PROPHESY  2: to perceive intuitively : CONJECTURE  - di.vin.er n