Webster's English Dictionary

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1. good \'gu.d\ \'bet-*r\ \'best\ \'gu.d-ish\ aj or bet.ter;  or best [ME, 
   fr. OE go-d; akin to OHG guot good, Skt gadh to hold]fast 1a1: of a 
   favorable character or tendency {~ news}  1a2: BOUNTIFUL, FERTILE {~ land}  
   1a3: COMELY, ATTRACTIVE {~ looks}  1b1: SUITABLE, FIT {~ to eat}  1b2: 
   SOUND, WHOLE {one ~ arm}  1b3: not depreciated {bad money drives out ~}  
   1b4: commercially reliable {~ risk}  1b5: certain to last or live {~ for 
   another year}  1b6: certain to pay or contribute {~ for a hundred dollars}  
   1b7: certain to elicit a specified result {always ~ for a laugh}  1c1: 
   AGREEABLE, PLEASANT  1c2: SALUTARY, WHOLESOME {~ for a cold}  1d1: 
   CONSIDERABLE, AMPLE {~ margin}  1d2: FULL {~ measure}  1e1: WELL-FOUNDED, 
   COGENT {~ reasons}  1e2: TRUE {holds ~ for society at large}  1e3: 
   ACTUALIZED, REAL {made ~ his promises}  1e4: RECOGNIZED, HONORED {in ~ 
   standing}  1e5: legally valid or effectual {~ title}  1f1: ADEQUATE, 
   SATISFACTORY {~ care}  1f2: conforming to a standard {~ English}  1f3: 
   DISCRIMINATING, CHOICE {~ taste}  1f4: containing less fat and being less 
   tender than higher grades - used  of meat and esp. of beef 2a1: 
   COMMENDIBLE, VIRTUOUS, JUST {~ man}  2a2: RIGHT {~ conduct}  2a3: KIND, 
   BENEVOLENT {~ intentions}  2b: UPPER-CLASS {~ family}  2c: COMPETENT, 
   SKILLFUL {~ doctor}  2d: LOYAL {~ party man} {~ Catholic}  : in effect : 
   VIRTUALLY {as good as dead}  : VERY, ENTIRELY {was good and mad}  - 
   good.ish aj
2. good n 1a: something that is good  1b1: something conforming to the 
   moral order of the universe  1b2: praiseworthy character : GOODNESS  1c: a 
   good element or portion  2: PROSPERITY, BENEFIT {~ of the community}  3a: 
   something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want  pl  3b: 
   personal property having intrinsic value usu. excluding money, securiti es, 
   and negotiable instruments pl  3c: CLOTH  pl  3d: WARES, COMMODITIES  4: 
   good persons - used with the  pl  5: proof of wrongdoing 
3. good av : WELL