Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.jec.ture \k*n-'jek-ch*r\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L conjectura, 
   fr. conjectus, pp. of co]nicere, lit., to throw together, fr. com- + jacere 
   to throw obs  1a: interpretation of omens  1b: SUPPOSITION  2a: inference 
   from defective or presumptive evidence  2b: a conclusion deduced by surmise 
   or guesswork 
2. conjecture \-'jek-ch*-rin, -'jek-shrin\ \-'jek-ch*r-*r\ vb or 
   con.jec.tur.ing 1: to arrive at by conjecture  2: to make conjectures as to 
    : to form conjectures ce from slight evidence. CONJECTURE implies forming 
   an opinion or judgment upon evidence insufficient for definite knowledge; 
   SURMISE implies even slighter evidence and suggests the influence of 
   imagination or suspicion; GUESS stresses a hitting upon a conclusion either 
   wholly at random or from very uncertain evidence - con.jec.tur.er n SYN syn 
   CONJECTURE, SURMISE, GUESS mean to draw an inferen