Webster's English Dictionary

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1. drab \'drab\ n [perh. of Celt origin] 1: SLATTERN  2: HARLOT 
2. drab vi or drabbed;  or drab.bing : to associate with prostitutes 
3. drab n [MF drap cloth, fr. LL drappus] 1: any of various cloths of a 
   dull brown or gray color; esp : a thi ck woolen coating or a heavy cotton 
   2a: a light olive brown  2b: a dull, lifeless, or faded appearance or 
4. drab aj or drab.ber;  or drab.best 1a: of the dull brown color of drab  
   1b: of the color drab  2: characterized by dullness and monotony : 
   CHEERLESS  - drab.ly av