Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. stupid                
dull or dul.ness \'d*l\ \'d*l-n*s\ \'d*l-(l)e-\ aj [ME dul; akin to OE dol 
   foolish and prob. to L fumus smoke m more at FUME 1: mentally slow : STUPID 
    2a: slow in perception or sensibility : INSENSIBLE  2b: lacking zest or 
   vivacity : LISTLESS  3a: slow in action : SLUGGISH  3b: marked by little 
   business activity {~ season}  4: lacking sharpness of edge or point  5: 
   lacking brilliance or luster  6a: not clear : INDISTINCT  6b: not resonant 
   or ringing  of a color  7: low in saturation and low in lightness  8: 
   CLOUDY, OVERCAST  9: TEDIOUS, UNINTERESTING or point that has lost its 
   original sharpness through use; figuratively it suggests loss of original 
   or usual quickness, zest, or pungency; BLUNT applies to an edge or end not 
   designed to be sharp or keen; it suggests innate or inherent lack of 
   sharpness or quickness of feeling or perception; OBTUSE applies to the 
   shape of something whose point is broader than a right angle; it suggests 
   that which is inordinately blunt or insensitive in perception or 
   imagination {obtuse audience} - dull vb SYN syn BLUNT, OBTUSE: DULL applies 
   physically to an edge