Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cot.ton \'ka:t-*n\ n [ME coton, fr. MF, fr. Ar qutsub-dot>n] 1a: a soft 
   usu. white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding t he seeds 
   of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus Gossypium) of the 
   mallow family 1b: a plant producing cotton; esp : one grown for its cotton  
   1c: a crop of cotton  2a: fabric made of cotton  2b: yarn spun from cotton  
   3: a downy cottony substance produced by various plants (as the cottonwood) 
2. cotton \'ka:t-nin, -*n-in\ vi or cot.ton.ing : to take a liking {~s to 
   people easily}