Webster's English Dictionary

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1. any \'en-e-\ aj [ME, fr. OE -nig; akin to OHG einag any, OE a-nX 
   one - more at ONE 1: one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind :  1a: 
   one or another taken at random {ask ~ man you meet}  1b: EVERY - used to 
   indicate one selected without restriction {(R@ child would know that} 2: 
   one, some, or all indiscriminately of whatever quantity :  2a: one or more 
   - used to indicate an undetermined number or amount {h ave you ~ money} 2b: 
   ALL - used to indicate a maximum or whole {needs ~ hel p he can get} 2c: a 
   or some without reference to quantity or extent  3a: unmeasured or 
   unlimited in amount, number, or extent {~ quanti ty you desire} 3b: 
   appreciably large or extended {could not endure it ~ length of  time}
2. any pn sing or pl in const  1: any person or persons : ANYBODY  2a: any 
   thing or things  2b: any part, quantity, or number 
3. any av : to any extent or degree : at all