Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. easy                  
1. light \'li-t\ n [ME, fr. OE le-oht; akin to OHG lioht light, L luc-, 
   lu]x light, luce-re to shine, Gk leukos white 1a: something that makes 
   vision possible  1b: the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual 
   receptors : BRI GHTNESS 1c: an electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength 
   range including infrared , visible, ultraviolet, and X rays and traveling 
   in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,281 miles per second; specif : the 
   part of this range that is visible to the human eye 2a: DAYLIGHT  2b: DAWN  
   3: a source of light : as  3a: a heavenly body  3b: CANDLE  3c: an electric 
   light  archaic  4: EYESIGHT  5a: spiritual illumination  5b: INNER LIGHT  
   5c: ENLIGHTENMENT  5d: TRUTH  6a: public knowledge  6b: a particular aspect 
   or appearance presented to view  7: a particular illumination  8a: WINDOW  
   8b: SKYLIGHT  pl  9: philosophy of life : STANDARDS  10: a noteworthy 
   person in a particular place or field : LUMINARY  11: a particular 
   expression of the eye  12a: LIGHTHOUSE, BEACON  12b: TRAFFIC SIGNAL  13: 
   the representation of light in art  14: a flame for lighting something 
2. light aj 1: having light : BRIGHT  2: PALE 
3. light \'lit\ vb or light.ed or lit;  or light.ing 1: to become light : 
   BRIGHTEN {face lit up}  2: to take fire : IGNITE  1: to set fire to : 
   KINDLE  2a: to conduct with a light : GUIDE  2b: ILLUMINATE {rockets ~ up 
   the sky}  2c: ANIMATE, BRIGHTEN {smile lit up her face} 
4. light \-ish\ aj [ME, fr. OE le-oht; akin to OHG li-hti light, L 
   levis,]Gk elachys small 1a: having little weight : not heavy  1b: designed 
   to carry a comparatively small load {~ truck}  1c: having relatively little 
   weight in proportion to bulk {aluminum is a  ~ metal} 1d: containing less 
   than the legal, standard, or usual weight {~ c oin} 2a: of little 
   importance : TRIVIAL  2b: not abundant : SCANTY {~ rain ~ breakfast}  3a: 
   easily disturbed {~ sleeper}  3b: exerting a minimum of force or pressure : 
   GENTLE  3c: resulting from a very slight pressure : FAINT  4a: easily 
   endurable {~ illness}  4b: requiring little effort {~ exercise}  5: capable 
   of moving swiftly or nimbly  6a: FRIVOLOUS {~ conduct}  6b: lacking in 
   stability : CHANGEABLE {~ opinions}  6c: sexually promiscuous  7: free from 
   care : CHEERFUL  8: intended chiefly to entertain {~ reading}  9a: having a 
   comparatively low alcoholic content {~ wines}  9b: having a relatively mild 
   flavor  10a: easily digested {a ~ soup}  10b: well leavened {~ crust}  11: 
   lightly armed or equipped {~ cavalry}  12: coarse and sandy or easily 
   pulverized {~ soil}  13: DIZZY, GIDDY  14a: carrying little or no cargo 
   {ship returned ~}  14b: producing goods for direct consumption by the 
   consumer {~ ind ustry} 15: UNACCENTED {~ syllable}  16: having a clear soft 
   quality {~ voice}  17: being in debt to the pot in a poker game {three 
   chips ~}  - light.ish aj
5. light av : LIGHTLY 
6. light \'lit\ vi or light.ed or lit;  or light.ing [ME lighten, fr. OE 
   li-htan; akin to OE le-oht light in] weight 1: DISMOUNT  2: SETTLE, ALIGHT 
   {bird lit on the lawn}  3: to fall unexpectedly  4: to arrive by chance : 
   HAPPEN {lit upon a solution}  : to attack forcefully  - light into