Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. soak                  
1. im.preg.nate \im-'preg-n*t\ aj : IMPREGNATED 
2. im.preg.nate \im-'preg-.na-t\ \.im-.preg-'na--sh*n\ \im-'preg-.na-t-*r\ 
   vt [LL impraegnatus, pp. of impraegnare, fr. L in- + praegnas] pregnant 
   1a1: to make pregnant  1a2: to introduce sperm cells into  1b: FERTILIZE  
   2a: to cause to be filled, imbued, permeated, or saturated  2b: 
   INTERPENETRATE  - im.preg.na.tion n