Webster's English Dictionary

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1. preg.nant \'preg-n*nt\ aj [ME preignant, fr. MF, fr. prp. of preindre to 
   press, fr. L prem]ere - more at PRESS archaic  : COGENT 
2. pregnant aj [ME, fr. L praegnant-, praegnans, alter. of praegnas, fr. 
   ]prae- pre- + -gnas (akin to gignere to produce) - more at KIN 1a: 
   containing unborn young within the body : GRAVID  1b: capable of producing  
   2: abounding in fancy, wit, or resource of mind : INVENTIVE  3: rich in 
   significance or implication : MEANINGFUL  4: containing the germ or shape 
   of future events  5: exhibiting fertility : TEEMING  - preg.nant.ly av