Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. definite integral      2. indefinite integral   
1. in.te.gral \'int-i-gr*l (usu so in mathematics); in-'teg-r*l, -'te-g-\ 
   \.int-*-'gral-*t-e-\ \'int-i-gr*-le-; in-'teg-r*-, -'te-g-\ aj 1a: 
   essential to completeness : CONSTITUENT  1b1: being or relating to a 
   mathematical integer  1b2: relating to or concerned with mathematical 
   integrals or integration  1c: formed as a unit with another part  2: 
   composed of integral parts : INTEGRATED  3: lacking nothing essential : 
   ENTIRE  - in.te.gral.i.ty n
2. integral n : the result of a mathematical integration