Webster's English Dictionary

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1. so \(')so-, esp before adj or adv & "that" s*\ av [ME, fr. OE swa-; akin 
   to OHG so- so, L sic so, thus, (Xsi if, Gk ho-s so, thus, L suus one's own 
   - more at SUICIDE 1a: in a manner or way that is indicated or suggested 
   {said he'd attend  and did ~} {it ~ happened that all were wrong} 1b: in 
   the same manner or way : ALSO {worked hard and ~ di d she} 1c: in the 
   following manner : THUS {for ~ the Lord said mISA 18:4 (AV)} 1d: 
   SUBSEQUENTLY, THEN {and ~ home and to bed}  2a: to an indicated or 
   suggested extent or degree {had never been ~R happy} 2b: to a great extent 
   or degree : VERY, EXTREMELY {left he r because he loved her ~} 2c: to a 
   definite but unspecified extent or degree {can only do ~  much in a day} 
   2d: most certainly : INDEED {you did ~ do it}  3: for a reason that has 
   just been stated : THEREFORE {the witne ss is biased and ~ unreliable}
2. so \(')so-\ cj 1a: with the result that {her diction is good, ~ every 
   word is cle ar} 1b: in order that {be quiet ~ he can sleep}  2: provided 
   that  3a: for that reason : THEREFORE {don't want to go, ~ i won 't} 3b1: - 
   used as an introductory particle {~ here we are} often  to belittle a point 
   under discussion {~ what?} 3b2: - used interjectionally to indicate 
   awareness {~, that's wh o did it} or surprised dissent
3. so \'so-\ aj 1: conforming with actual facts : TRUE {said things that 
   were no t ~} 2: marked by a definite order {his books are always just ~} 
4. so \.so-, 'so-\ pn 1: such as has been specified or suggested : the same 
   {became chairman  and remained ~} 2: something that approximates what has 
   just been indicated {I've known  him 20 years or ~}
5. so \'so-\  var of SOL