Webster's English Dictionary

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1. as \*z, (.)az\ cj [ME, fr. OE eallswa- just as, likewise - more at ALSO] 
   1: as if {looks ~ he had seen a ghost -S.T.Coleridge}  2: in or to the same 
   degree in which {deaf ~ a post}  3: in the way or manner that {do ~ I do}  
   4: in accordance with what or the way in which {quite good ~ boys  go} 5: 
   WHILE, WHEN {spilled the milk ~ she got up}  6: regardless of the degree to 
   which : THOUGH {improbable ~R it seems, it's true} 7: for the reason that 
   {stayed home ~ she had no car}  8: that the result is : THAT {so clearly 
   guilty ~ to leave  no doubt}
2. as av 1: to the same degree or amount : EQUALLY {~ deaf as a pos t} 2: 
   for instance {various trees, ~ oak or pine}  3: when considered in a 
   specified form or relation {my opinion ~ d istinguished from his}
3. as pn 1: THAT, WHO, WHICH - used after same or such  {in the same 
   building ~ my brother} {tears such ~ angels weep -John Milton} and chiefly 
   dial. after a substantive not modified by same or such {that kind of fruit 
   ~ maids call medlars -Shak.} 2: a fact that {is a foreigner, ~ is evident 
   from his accent} 
4. as pp 1a: LIKE {all rose ~ one man}  1b: LIKE {his face was ~ a mask 
   -Max Beerbohm}  2: in the capacity, character, condition, or role of {works 
   ~ an e ditor}
5. as \'as\ \'as-.e-z, 'as-*z\ n or as.ses [L] pl  1: LIBRA  2a: a bronze 
   coin of the ancient Roman republic  2b: a unit of value equivalent to an as 