Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sod.den \'sa:d-*n\ \-*n-(n)*s\ aj [ME soden, fr. pp. of sethen to 
   seethe] archaic  1: cooked by stewing : BOILED  2a: dull or expressionless 
   esp. from or as if from continued indulgence in  alcoholic beverages {his ~ 
   features} 2b: TORPID, UNIMAGINATIVE {~ minds}  3a: heavy with moisture or 
   water : SOAKED, SATURATED {the  ~ ground} 3b: heavy or doughy because of 
   imperfect cooking {~ biscuits}  - sod.den.ly av
2. sodden \'sa:d-nin, -*n-in\ vb or sod.den.ing : to make sodden  : to 
   become soaked or saturated