Webster's English Dictionary

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the.ater or the.atre \'the--*t-*r, 'thi-\ n [ME theatre, fr. MF, fr. L 
   theatrum, fr. Gk theatron, fr. ]theasthai to view, fr. thea act of seeing; 
   akin to Gk thauma miracle 1a: an outdoor structure for dramatic 
   performances or spectacles in ancient  Greece and Rome 1b: a building for 
   dramatic performances  1c: a building or area for showing motion pictures  
   2a: a place rising by steps or gradations  2b: a room often with rising 
   tiers of seats for lectures, surgical demonstr ations, or other assemblies 
   3: a place of enactment of significant events or action  4a: dramatic 
   literature or performance  4b: dramatic effectiveness