Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. battle                
ac.tion \'ak-sh*n\ n 1: a proceeding in a court of justice by which one 
   demands or enforces one' s right 2: the bringing about of an alteration by 
   force or through a natural agency  3: the manner or method of performing :  
   3a: the deportment of an actor or speaker or his expression by means of 
   attitude, voice, and gesture 3b: the style of movement of the feet and legs 
   (as of a horse)  3c: a function of the body or one of its parts  4: an act 
   of will  5a: a thing done : DEED  pl  5b: BEHAVIOR, CONDUCT  5c: 
   INITIATIVE, ENTERPRISE  6a1: an engagement between troops or ships  6a2: 
   combat in war  6b1: an event or series of events forming a literary 
   composition  6b2: the unfolding of the events of a drama or work of fiction 
   : PLOT)M 6b3: the movement of incidents in a plot  6c: the combination of 
   circumstances that constitute the subject matter of a painting or 
   sculpture 7a: an operating mechanism  7b: the manner in which a mechanism 
   operates  ACTION often implies a process that involves more than one step, 
   or is continuous, or is capable of repetition; ACT suggests a single 
   accomplishment complete in itself and essentially unique; DEED commonly 
   suggests an act either illustrious or remarkable SYN syn ACTION, ACT, DEED 
   mean something done or effected.