Webster's English Dictionary

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1. oth.er \'*th-*r\ aj [ME, fr. OE o-ther; akin to OHG andar other, Skt 
   antara] 1a: being the one (as of two or more) left  1b: being the ones 
   distinct from those first mentioned  1c: SECOND {every ~ day}  2: not the 
   same : DIFFERENT  3: ADDITIONAL  4a: recently past {the ~ evening}  4b: 
   FORMER {in ~ times} 
2. other n 1a: one that remains of two or more  1b: a thing opposite to or 
   excluded by something else  2: a different or additional one 
3. other pn sometimes pl in constr  obs  1a: one of two that remains  1b: 
   each preceding one  2: a different or additional one {something or ~} 
4. other av : OTHERWISE