Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. position              
1. place \'pla-s\ \'pla--sl*s\ n [ME, fr. MF, open space, fr. L platea 
   broad street, fr. Gk plateia](hodos), fr. fem. of platys broad, flat; akin 
   to Skt prsub-dot>thu broad, L planta sole of the foot 1a: a way for 
   admission or transit  1b: physical environment : SPACE  1c: physical 
   surroundings : ATMOSPHERE  2a: an indefinite region or expanse : AREA  2b: 
   a building or locality used for a special purpose  archaic  2c: the 
   three-dimensional compass of a material object  2a: a particular region or 
   center of population  2b: HOUSE, HOMESTEAD  4: a particular part of a 
   surface or body : SPOT  5a: relative position in a scale or sequence : 
   DEGREE  5b: a leading position at the conclusion of a competition  6a: a 
   proper or designated niche  6b: an appropriate moment or point  7a: an 
   available seat or accommodation  7b: an empty or vacated position  8: the 
   position of a figure in relation to others of a row or series and es p. of 
   one occurring after a decimal point 9a: remunerative employment : JOB; esp 
   : public office  9b: prestige accorded to one of high rank : STATUS  10: a 
   public square : PLAZA  - place.less aj
2. place \'pla--s*-b*l\ vt 1: to distribute in an orderly manner : ARRANGE  
   2a: to put in a particular place : SET  2b: to present for consideration {a 
   question placed before the gro up} 2c: to put in a particular state  2d: to 
   direct to a desired spot  2e: to cause (the voice) to produce free and well 
   resonated singing or spe aking tones 3: to appoint to a position  4: to 
   find employment or a home for  5a: to assign to a position in a series or 
   category : RANK  5b: ESTIMATE  5c: to identify by connecting with an 
   associated context  6a: to give (an order) to a supplier  6b: to give an 
   order for {~ a bet}  : to earn a top spot in a competition; specif : to 
   come in second  in a horse race - place.able aj