Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mo.tion \'mo--sh*n\ \'mo--shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ \'mo--sh*n-l*s\ n [ME 
   mocioun, fr. MF motion, fr. L motion-, motio moveme]nt, fr. motus, pp. of 
   move-re to move 1a: a proposal for action; esp : a formal proposal made in 
   a delibe rative assembly 1b: an application made to a court or judge to 
   obtain an order, ruling, or  direction 2: an act, process, or instance of 
   changing place : MOVEMENT  3: an impulse or inclination of the mind or will 
    obs  4a: a puppet show  4b: PUPPET  5: MACHINE  pl  6: ACTIVITIES, 
   MOVEMENTS  7: melodic change of pitch  - mo.tion.al aj
2. motion \'mo--sh(*-)nin\ vb or mo.tion.ing : to direct by a motion  : to 
   signal by a movement or gesture