Webster's English Dictionary

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1. vom.it \'va:m-*t\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L vomitus, fr. vomitus, pp. of 
   vomere to vom]it; akin to ON va-ma nausea, Gk emein to vomit 1: an act or 
   instance of disgorging the contents of the stomach through the  mouth; also 
   : the disgorged matter 2: EMETIC 
2. vomit vi 1: to disgorge the stomach contents  2: to spew forth : BELCH, 
   GUSH  1: to disgorge (the contents of the stomach) through the mouth  2: to 
   eject violently or abundantly : SPEW  3: to cause to vomit  - vom.it.er n