1. through also thru \(')thru:\ pp [ME thurh, thruh, through, fr. OE thurh;
akin to OHG Xdurh through, L trans across, beyond, Skt tarati he crosses
over 1a1: in at one side or point and out at another esp. the opposite side
of {drove a nail ~ the board} {a path ~ the woods} 1a2: by way of {left ~
the window} 1a3: - used as a function word to indicate passage between or
among sepa rate units {a highway ~ the trees} 1a4: without stopping for :
PAST {drove ~ a red light} 1b: - used as a function word to indicate
passage into and out of a trea tment, handling, or process {has already
passed ~ his hands} 2a: by means of : by the agency of 2b: because of
{failed ~ ignorance} 3a: over the whole surface or extent of 3b: - used
as a function word to indicate movement within a large expans e {flew ~ the
air} or exposure to a specified set of conditions {put her ~ hell} 4a:
during the entire period of 4b: from the beginning to the end of 4c: to
and including {Monday ~ Friday} 5a: - used as a function word to indicate
completion or exhaustion {go t ~ the book} {went ~ a fortune in a year} 5b:
- used as a function word to indicate acceptance or approval esp. by an
official body {got the bill ~ the legislature}
2. through also thru \'thru:\ av 1: from one end or side to the other 2a:
from beginning to end 2b: to completion, conclusion, or accomplishment
{see it ~} 3: to the core : COMPLETELY 4: into the open : OUT {break ~}
3. through also thru \'thru:\ aj 1a: extending from one surface to another
{a ~ mortise} 1b: admitting free or continuous passage : DIRECT {a ~ roa
d} 2a: going from point of origin to destination without change or
reshipment {~ train} 2b: of or relating to such movement {a ~ ticket} 3a:
arrived at completion or accomplishment {he is ~ with the job)> 3b:
WASHED-UP, FINISHED {you're ~ - you've really ha d it}