Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mouth \'mau.th\ \'mau.thz, 'mau.ths; in synecdochic compounds like 
   "blab\ \'mau.thd, 'mau.tht\ \'mau.th-.li-k\ n or mouths [ME, fr. OE mu-th; 
   akin to OHG mund mouth, L mandere to ch] pl bermouths" ths more frequently 
   often attrib ew, Gk masasthai to chew, mastax mouth, jaws 1a1: the opening 
   through which food passes into the body of an animal  1a2: the cavity 
   bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharyn x that encloses 
   in the typical vertebrate the tongue, gums, and teeth 1b: GRIMACE  2a: 
   VOICE, SPEECH  2b: MOUTHPIECE  3: something that resembles a mouth esp. in 
   affording entrance or exit : as  3a: the place where a stream enters a 
   larger body of water  3b: the surface opening of an underground cavity  3c: 
   the opening of a container  3d: an opening in the side of an organ flue 
   pipe  - mouthed aj
2. mouth \'mau.th\ vt 1a: SPEAK, PRONOUNCE  1b: to utter bombastically : 
   DECLAIM  1c: to repeat without comprehension or sincerity  1d: to utter 
   indistinctly : MUMBLE  2: to take into the mouth  1: to talk pompously : 
   RANT  2: to move the mouth esp. so as to make faces  - mouth.er n