1. in.stance \'in(t)-st*n(t)s\ n archaic 1a: urgent or earnest
solicitation 1b: INSTIGATION, REQUEST archaic 2a: EXCEPTION 2b: an
illustrative case obs 2c: TOKEN, SIGN obs 2d: DETAIL, CIRCUMSTANCE 3:
the institution and prosecution of a lawsuit : SUIT 4: an event that is
part of a process or series IMEN: INSTANCE applies to any individual
person, act, or thing that may be offered in support or disproof of a
general statement; CASE is used to direct attention to a real or assumed
occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with;
ILLUSTRATION applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or
illuminating a general statement; EXAMPLE applies to a typical,
representative, or illustrative instance or case; SAMPLE implies a part or
unit taken at random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of
its qualities; SPECIMEN applies to any example or sample whether
representative or merely existent and available : as an example - for
2. instance vt 1: to illustrate or demonstrate by an instance 2: to
mention as a case or example : CITE