Webster's English Dictionary

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eject \i-'jekt\ \-'jek-t*-b*l\ \-'jek-sh*n\ \-'jek-tiv\ vt [ME ejecten, fr. 
   L ejectus, pp. of eicere, fr. e- + ]jacere 1a: to drive out esp. by 
   physical force  1b: to evict from property  2: to throw out or off from 
   within n to drive or force out. EJECT carries an esp. strong implication of 
   throwing or thrusting out from within as a physical action; EXPEL implies 
   usu. a voluntary compulsion to get rid of; OUST implies removal or 
   dispossession by power of the law or by compulsion of necessity; EVICT 
   chiefly applies to turning out of house and home; DISMISS implies a getting 
   rid of something unpleasant or troublesome simply by refusing to consider 
   it further - eject.able aj SYN syn EJECT, EXPEL, OUST, EVICT, DISMISS mea