Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.prove \(')dis-'pru:v\ vt [ME disproven, fr. MF desprover, fr. des- + 
   prover to p]rove : to prove to be false : REFUTE OVE implies the 
   demonstration by any method of the falseness or invalidness of a claim or 
   argument; REFUTE stresses a logical method of disproving; CONFUTE implies 
   reducing an opponent to silence by an overwhelming argument; REBUT suggests 
   formality in the act of answering an argument and does not necessarily 
   imply success in disproving; CONTROVERT stresses the act of opposing with 
   denial or an answering argument and, like REBUT, the attempt to refute an 
   opposing argument without implying success in disproving SYN syn REFUTE,