Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. faithless             
1. false \'fo.ls\ aj [ME fals, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L falsus, fr. pp. of 
   fallere] 1: not genuine {~ documents ~ teeth}  2a: intentionally untrue {~ 
   testimony}  2b: adjusted or made so as to deceive {~ scales}  2c: tending 
   to mislead {~ promise}  3: not true {~ concepts}  4a: not faithful or loyal 
   : TREACHEROUS  obs  4b: not solid  5a: not essential or permanent  5b: 
   fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to diguis e 
   its appearance 6: of a kind related to or resembling another kind that is 
   usu. designated  by the unqualified vernacular {~ oats} 7: inaccurate in 
   pitch {a ~ note}  8a: based on mistaken ideas {~ pride}  8b: inconsistent 
   with the true facts {a ~ position}  nearly all its senses carries an 
   implication of deceiving or of being deceived; WRONG implies usu. no more 
   than a simple negation of or deviation from rightness or correctness - 
   false.ly av SYN syn FALSE, WRONG mean neither true nor right. FALSE in 
2. false av : FAITHLESSLY, TREACHEROUSLY {his wife played him ~>