Webster's English Dictionary

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1. like \'li-k\ vb [ME liken, fr. OE li-cian; akin to OE geli-c alike] 
   chiefly dial  1: to be suitable or agreeable to  2a: to feel attraction 
   toward or take pleasure in : ENJOY {~)Rs baseball} 2b: to feel toward : 
   REGARD {how would you ~ a change}  3: to wish to have : WANT {would ~ a 
   drink}  dial  1: APPROVE  2: to feel inclined : CHOOSE  3: to feel liking 
2. like n : a feeling of attraction : PREFERENCE 
3. like aj [ME, alter. of ilich, fr. OE geli-c like, alike; akin to OHG 
   ]gili-h like, alike; both fr. a prehistoric Gmc compound whose first 
   constituent is represented by OE ge- (associative prefix) and whose second 
   constituent is represented by OE li-c body; akin to Lith lygus like - more 
   at CO- 1a: the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or 
   quantity)  {suits of ~ design} 1b: resembling or characteristic of 
   {bell-like}  2a: LIKELY  2b: being about or as if about {~ to die} 
4. like pp 1a: having the characteristics of : similar to {his house is ~ a 
    barn} 1b: typical of {was ~ him to do that}  2: in the manner of : 
   similarly to {acts ~ a fool}  3: inclined to {looks ~ rain}  4: such as {a 
   subject ~ physics} 
5. like n : one that is like another : COUNTERPART 
6. like av archaic  1: EQUALLY  2: LIKELY, PROBABLY {~ enough, you will}  
   3: to some extent : SEEMINGLY {came in nonchalantly ~} 
7. like cj 1: in the same way that : AS {they raven down scenery ~ ch 
   ildren do sweetmeats -John Keats} 2: as if {looked ~ he was scared} 
8. like or liked \'li-kt\ va chiefly substand  : came near : was near {had 
   four quarrels and ~ to have fought  one -Shak.}