Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. demand                
1. claim \'kla-m\ \'kla--m*-b*l\ \-m*nt\ vt [ME claimen, fr. OF clamer, fr. 
   L clamare to cry out, shout;]akin to L calare to call - more at LOW 1a: to 
   ask for esp. as a right  1b: to call for : REQUIRE  2: to assert in the 
   face of possible contradiction : MAINTAIN  - claim.able aj
2. claim n 1: a demand for something due or believed to be due {insurance 
   ~}  2a: a right to something; specif : a title to a debt, privilege, or  
   other thing in the possession of another 2b: an assertion open to challenge 
   {a ~ of authenticity}  3: something that is claimed; esp : a tract of land 
   staked out