1. at.tempt \*-'tem(p)t\ \-'tem(p)-t*-b*l\ vt [L attemptare, fr. ad- +
temptare to touch, try - more at (MTEMPT 1: to make an effort toward : TRY
- often used with an infinitiv e archaic 2: TEMPT archaic 3: to try to
subdue : ATTACK mean to make an effort to accomplish an end. ATTEMPT
implies making an essentially single effort and usu. suggests failure; TRY
stresses effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving
something; ENDEAVOR heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty;
ESSAY implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or
experimenting; STRIVE implies great exertion against great difficulty and
specifically suggests persistent effort - aj SYN syn ATTEMPT,
2. attempt n 1: the act or an instance of attempting; esp : an unsuccessful
effo rt archaic 2: ATTACK, ASSAULT