Webster's English Dictionary

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in.scrip.tion \in-'skrip-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n [ME inscripcioun, fr. L 
   inscription-, inscriptio, fr. insc]riptus, pp. of inscribere 1a: something 
   that is inscribed; also : TITLE, SUPERSCRIPT ION 1b: EPIGRAPH  1c: the 
   wording on a coin, medal, or seal : LEGEND  2: the dedication of a book or 
   work of art  3a: the art of inscribing  3b: the entering of a name on or as 
   if on a list : ENROLLMENT  Brit  4a: the act of inscribing securities  pl  
   4b: inscribed securities  - in.scrip.tion.al aj