Webster's English Dictionary

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1. book \'bu.k\ \-.bi-n-d*r\ n [ME, fr. OE bo-c; akin to OHG buoh book, OE 
   bo-c beech;] prob. fr. the early Germanic practice of carving runic 
   characters on beech wood tablets - more at BEECH 1a: a set of written 
   sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory  1b: a set of written, 
   printed, or blank sheets bound together into a volume  1c: a long written 
   or printed literary composition  1d: a major division of a treatise or 
   literary work  1e: a volume of business records of any of various kinds  
   cap  2: BIBLE  3: something felt to be a source of enlightenment or 
   instruction  4a: the total available knowledge and experience that can be 
   brought to bea r on a task or problem 4b: the standards or authority 
   relevant in a situation  4c: JUDGMENT, OPINION  5a: all the charges that 
   can be made against an accused person {threw the  ~ at him} 5b: 
   RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNT  6a: LIBRETTO  6b: the script of a play  7: a 
   packet of commodities bound together {a ~ of matches}  8a: BOOKMAKER  8b: 
   the bets registered by a bookmaker  9: the tricks a card player must win 
   before scoring  : an act or occurrence worth noting  - book.bind.er n
2. book vt 1a: to enter, write, or register so as to engage transportation 
   or reserve  lodgings 1b: to schedule engagements for  1c: to set aside time 
   for  2: to enter charges against in a police register  1: to reserve 
   something in advance  2: chiefly Brit : to register in a hotel  - book.er n
3. book aj 1: bookish or derived from books  2: shown by books of account