Webster's English Dictionary

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1. name \'na-m\ n [ME, fr. OE nama; akin to OHG namo name, L nomen, Gk 
   onoma], onyma 1a: a word constituting the distinctive designation of a 
   person or thing  1b1: a word or symbol that can serve as the subject of a 
   sentence or expres sion in logic 1b2: a designating expression  2: a 
   descriptive often disparaging epithet {call someone ~s> 3a: REPUTATION; esp 
   : an illustrious record  3b: a name as the embodiment of a reputation  3c: 
   a famous person  4: FAMILY, CLAN  5: semblance as opposed to reality {a 
   friend in ~ only}  6: spiritual nature or essence {praise his holy ~} 
2. name vt 1: to give a name to : CALL  2a: to mention or identify by name  
   2b: to accuse by name  3: to nominate for office : APPOINT  4: to decide 
   upon : CHOOSE  5: to speak about : MENTION {~ a price}  - nam.er n
3. name aj 1: of, relating to, or bearing a name  2: appearing in the name 
   of a literary or theatrical production : TIT LE 3a: having an established 
   reputation  3b: featuring celebrities