Webster's English Dictionary

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1. art \(.)a:rt, *rt\  [ME, fr. OE eart; akin to ON est, ert (thou) art, OE 
   is] is archaic pres 2d sing of BE 
2. art \'a:rt\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L art-, ars - more at ARM] 1a: skill in 
   performance acquired by experience, study, or observation :  KNACK 1b: 
   human ingenuity in adapting natural things to man's use  2a: a branch of 
   learning :  2a1: one of the humanities  pl  2a2: the liberal arts  archaic  
   2b: LEARNING, SCHOLARSHIP  3a: an occupation requiring knowledge or skill : 
   TRADE  3b: a system of rules or methods of performing particular actions  
   3c: systematic application of knowledge or skill in effecting a desired result
   4a: the conscious use of skill, taste, and creative imagination in the 
   production of aesthetic objects; also : works so produced 4b: the craft of 
   the artist  4c1: FINE ARTS  4c2: one of the fine arts  4c3: a graphic art  
   archaic  5a: a skillful plan  5b: ARTFULNESS ean the faculty of performing 
   what is devised. ART may be used interchangeably with all the other terms 
   but in its most distinct sense it contrasts with them in implying a 
   personal, unanalyzable creative power; SKILL stresses technical knowledge 
   and proficiency; CUNNING suggests ingenuity and subtlety in devising, 
   inventing, or executing; ARTIFICE suggests mechanical skill esp. in 
   imitating things in nature; CRAFT may imply expertness in workmanship or 
   suggest trickery and guile in attaining one's ends SYN syn ART, SKILL,