Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.tel.lec.tu.al \.int-*l-'ek-ch*(-w*)l, -'eksh-w*l\ 
   \-.ek-ch*-'wal-*t-e-\ \-'ek-ch*-(w*-)le-, -'eksh-w*-le-\ 
   \-'ek-ch*(-w*)l-n*s, -'eksh-w*l-\ aj 1a: of or relating to the intellect or 
   its use  1b: developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by 
   emotion or  experience : RATIONAL 1c: requiring use of the intellect  2a: 
   given to study, reflection, and specualtion  2b: engaged in activity 
   requiring the creative use of the intellect  - in.tel.lec.tu.al.i.ty n
2. intellectual n pl, archaic  1: intellectual powers  2: an intellectual 