Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. consider              
1. study \'st*d-e-\ n [ME studie, fr. OF estudie, fr. L studium; akin to L 
   stude]-re to study 1: a state of contemplation : REVERIE  2a: application 
   of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge  2b: such 
   application in a particular field or to a specific subject  2c: a careful 
   examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or ques tion; also : 
   a paper in which such a study is published 3: a building or room devoted to 
   study or literary pursuits  4: PURPOSE, INTENT  5a: a branch or department 
   of learning : SUBJECT  5b: the activity or work of a student  5c: an object 
   of study  5d: something attracting close attention or examination  6: a 
   literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary outline or a n 
   experimental interpretation of specific features or characteristics 7: a 
   musical composition devoted entirely to a problem of technique 
2. study vi 1a: to engage in study  1b: to undertake formal study of a 
   subject  dial  2: MEDITATE, REFLECT  3: ENDEAVOR, TRY  1: to read in detail 
   esp. with the intention of learning  2: to engage in the study of {~ 
   biology ~ medicine}  3: PLOT, DESIGN  4: to consider attentively or in 