Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ex.pe.ri.ence \ik-'spir-e--*n(t)s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L experientia act 
   of trying, fr. experient-, ex]periens, prp. of experiri to try, fr. ex- + 
   -periri (akin to periculum attempt) 1a: the usu. conscious perception or 
   apprehension of reality or of an exter nal, bodily, or psychic event 1b: 
   facts or events or the totality of facts or events observed  2a: direct 
   participation in events  2b: the state or result of being engaged in an 
   activity or in affairs {bu siness ~} 2c: knowledge, skill, or practice 
   derived from direct observation of or par ticipation in events 3a: the 
   conscious events that make up an individual life  3b: the events that make 
   up the conscious past of a community or nation or  mankind generally 4: 
   something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through 
2. experience vt 1: to have experience of : UNDERGO  2: to learn by 
   experience  : to undergo religious conversion  - experience religion