Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. sensuous              
lux.u.ri.ous \(.)l*g-'zhu.r-e--*s, (.)l*k-'shu.r-\ aj 1: of or relating to 
   unrestrained gratification of the senses : VOLUP TUOUS 2a: fond of luxury 
   or self-indulgence : SYBARITIC  2b: characterized by opulence or rich 
   abundance; specif : excessiv ely ornaterich or magnificent. LUXURIOUS 
   applies to what is choice and costly and suggests gratification of the 
   senses and desire for comfort; SUMPTUOUS applies to what is extravagantly 
   rich, splendid, or luxurious; OPULENT suggests a flaunting of 
   luxuriousness, luxuriance, or costliness - lux.u.ri.ous.ly av SYN syn 
   LUXURIOUS, SUMPTUOUS, OPULENT mean ostentatiously