Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.fort \'k*m(p)-f*rt\ \-l*s\ n 1: strengthening aid :  1a: ASSISTANCE, 
   SUPPORT  1b: consolation in trouble or worry : SOLACE  2a: state or feeling 
   of relief or encouragement  2b: contented well-being  3: SATISFACTION, 
   ENJOYMENT  4: one that gives or brings comfort  - com.fort.less aj
2. comfort vt [ME comforten, fr. OF conforter, fr. LL confortare to 
   strengt]hen greatly, fr. L com- + fortis strong 1: to give strength and 
   hope to : CHEER  2: to ease the grief or trouble of : CONSOLE strength, or 
   encouragement as well as lessening pain; CONSOLE emphasizes the alleviating 
   of grief or mitigating the sense of loss rather than distinct or full 
   relief; SOLACE suggests a lifting of spirits often from loneliness or 
   boredom as well as from pain or grief SYN syn CONSOLE, SOLACE: COMFORT 
   implies imparting cheer,